Friday, January 1, 2010

American Cancer Patients Adopts Cancer Mascot Inspired Health Care Gift Healing Bears Alternative To Obama-care

From donors prayers and support, they give kids with cancer hope, through the Cuddles Healing bears that will be donated Thanksgiving Day, for every plush healing bear owned by donors.

Cuddles healing bears was formed to act as a role model for our generation of children, by promoting abstinence from smoking as a prevention to cancer. We donate Cuddles Healing bears to hospitalized children suffering from cancer.

Donors, who will own a Cuddles Healing bear, provide hope for kids suffering from cancer. For every one owned, Cuddles Healing bear donates our plush Cuddle's Healing bears on Thanksgiving Day to cancer children hospitalized. Also parents taking care of their child who has cancer that write a 200 word email letter to Cuddles about their child cancer story- will be published on Cuddles blog, where they will be donated a Cuddles Healing bear and Cuddles Pal certificate if we publish the letter on our blog.

Cuddles healing bears was inspired by the many cancer victims in America who had no other alternatives to turn to for healing comfort. They adopted Cuddles healing bears as their official mascot to represent ‘the hope for American cancer patients.’ Bringing Cuddles healing bears to the public was a grueling journey, because a lot of time was exhausted on discovering the impact it would have on cancer patients. But now that it has a transforming affect on cancer patients, it’s being adored as the ‘gift of healing’.

Cuddles healing bears is currently- Nominated Best Health Blog of 2009 at

Cuddles healing bears will be released to the public for distribution only by reservation from December 1, 2009 through February 14, 2010 and is limited after that. During February 15 - November 28, Cuddles Healing bears will be reserved for cancer patients as gifts. The next public distribution will begin December 1, 2011 through February 14, 2012.

"Our generation of children lives are more precious than any bright colored sticker or raise-a-thon corrupted by smoking."

Promoting wholesome living to prevent cancer, instead of consuming things into our body that trigger cancer (like smoking) while dependent on combating cancer with drugs, cancer can be prevented with holistic living and through boycotting unclean products that corrupt our well being. is a blogspot operated by 'The Pure Cancer Generation Movement' which provide plush healing bears to cancer patients who rally against smoking.

The Pure Cancer Generation Movement said, "There are corrupt missions who are to coward to rally against corrupt products that may trigger cancer, such as smoking. These corrupt missions rather allow their message not to offend anyone (such as smokers or wealthy cigarette manufacture killing companies), who may financially contribute to their cause. So they sale out our generation of children safety for a corrupt measly buck, by allowing our innocent loved ones to become corrupted, because these corrupt missions don't want to rally against smoking."

The Pure Generation Cancer Movement act as a role model for our generation of children, by promoting abstinence from smoking as a prevention to cancer. "This way, through the contributions from our movement, instead of corrupt missions, we keep families safe for many generations. Our generation of children lives are more precious than any bright colored sticker or raise-a-thon corrupted by smoking" said formed the Pure Generation Cancer Movement which they say acts as a role model for our generation of children, by promoting abstinence from smoking as a prevention to cancer. This way, through the contributions from our movement, instead of corrupt missions, "we keep families safe for many generations." Our generation of children lives are more precious than any bright colored sticker or raise-a-thon corrupted by smoking.

"Cancer movements should ban unclean products", says

"Every cancer patient abstaining from unclean products should have the right to surround themselves with a cancer movement that is safe for the whole family."

"The cure is abstinence from polluting your well being." qouted- "We know for a while you haven't chosen an ethical movement where cancer patients abstain from unclean products. And if you don't want to choose an ethical movement, because our organization keep our generations safe from polluted examples flaunted by the corrupted who don't care about destroying their lives, then that's too bad."

"We believe every cancer patient should be treated safe, and if that means the corrupted who don't choose to be role models, well; we wouldn't want it any other way."

"But let me tell you one reason you should choose our safe doctrine:"

"The Pure Generation Cancer Movement is SAFE for the whole family."

"Retiring Cancer Wholesomely!"


Reservations for Cuddles Healing bear are limited to cancer patients or gifts to cancer patients.

Give the gift of healing.

Cuddles Healing© bear “The gift of healing”

Cuddles Pals are cancer patients who are Cuddles Healing bear pals, which recieve:

*Cuddles Healing bear

*Anniversary cancer survivor certificate sent annually

*Permission to have your Cuddles Pal journal stories (about the cancer patient) published on the Cuddles Healing bear blog, along with your photos.

Cuddles Pals is a cancer movement and not a membership, whereas Cuddles Pals cancer patients (along with their family and friends) support the message of "abstinence from polluting your well being."

Cuddles Pals prevent cancer from destroying lives, by providing personal challenging stories and guided wisdom to PREVAIL!

Cuddles Pals who contributed to the movement received:

*Cuddles Healing bear "the gift of healing"

*Anniversary cancer survivor certificate sent annually

*Permission to have your Cuddles Pal journal stories (about the cancer patient) published on the Cuddles Healing bear blog, along with your photos.

Cuddles Pals who maintained their certificates and stories at this blog contributed monthly proceeds to the movement in any amount of $25 $50 or $75, safely through sent to

Requirement for becoming a Cuddles Pal:

To become a Cuddles Pal, Cuddles Pal submit a typed 200 word story about the cancer patient to be published on the along with a photo (photo optional). Send Cuddles email at to be downloaded. Thanks. We are always glad to see and hear from you anytime.


Our holistic movement cancer patients journal their progress at

About ANTICANCER, a new international best-seller by David Servan-Schreiber

Nominated Best Health Blog- Best Education Blog- Best Political Blog- Best Pop Blog of 2009 provide plush healing bears to cancer patients who rally against smoking. is operated by 'The Pure Cancer Generation Movement'as a role model for wholesome living and doesn't support cancer movements who welcome smokers, which are sending corrupted messages to our innocent children as bad role models.

Thank you guest for continuing to cast your votes to make this the new 'Best HEALTH' blog at:

Holistic Cancer Movement Stuffed Healing Bears Combat Against Smoking

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